Welcome Butterfly!

Transformational Counseling and Inspired Living 

We delight in the beauty of the butterfly but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.     – Maya Angelou

Empathy Training

Developing more empathy can lead to more fulfilling relationships and more effective ventures. We will take the time to redevelop core strategies for attuning to others and to your own core and intentions.

Conscious Completion

Transformation is equally about creating as it is about sacredly and lovingly destroying what no longer serves. In this program you and will move through a deeply attuned and sacred process of fully integrating and liberating yourself and others.

Rejuvenational Detox

Longevity starts with efficiency. Learn to safely purify your body with herbals protocols designed specifically for what your body needs right now to restore harmony and to come back into balance.

Spirit Readings

Sometimes we may feel at too charged about a particular situation to see clearly. Booking a Spirit Reading we both connect to Spirit and from that clarity bring solutions and inspiration to every situation.

Flower Baths Pisac

Water ceremonies nestled in nature, listening to the sounds of the Pisac river supporting release and rejuvenation. Each flower bath is customized specifically for your current needs and prayers.

What Is Conscious Completion?

Sometimes when we realize that something needs to shift we may sometimes have a difficult time completely releasing and surrendering back into the divine flow. This can happen because we have unconscious attachments, limiting believes, old habits and subconscious programs that we may be operating on. We in our hearts we know that it is time for us to move on we can cultivate wisdom, healing, and deeper surrender to engage with a conscious completion process. This process allows us to really explore the deeper stories, meanings and gifts or deficiencies we are left with after a deep relationship. Through conscious exploration and healing intention each individual is able to walk away feeling restored, fully whole, and with more gratitude and learning for the experience.  

Who Is Empathy Training For? 

Empathy is a gateway to our deepest genius and the key to our most fulfilling expressions of love. In Empathy Training we slow down, we come back into the present moment, deep into the still core of Truth, Being, and Connection. We get deeply intimate with the most shaded, buried, scorned, isolated, and shunned parts of ourselves, the truly hideous and crusty ones, swooping them into the heavenly embrace of our own divine love and acceptance. As these ancient wounds come into connection and wholeness, as new perspective is incorporated evolution emmerges brilliant and dazzling. This is a several month program and requires a great degree of devotion and patience and is also one of the most fulfilling journeys you can take to come back into the softness of your heart. 


What is The Process Like?

Each week we will explore and play to develop each sense, intuition and its connection to the elements and the environment around you. We will use nature, plants and the elements as sacred space for beginning to open and soften the lens, to begin to listen in a new way, to be open to receiving and trusting what we recieve

1. Water- Emotional Clearing, Integrity, Sealing Energy
2. Fire-Burning what doesn't serve. Detox, Intention, Act
3. Air- Repose, Being, Integration, Stillness and Reflection, Tapping into Infinite Possibility
4. Earth-Grounding, Planning, Taking Practical Steps
5. Wood-Nourishment, ReConnection, ReMember

Coaching Packages

2 Week Coaching Package

Nutritional Detox

Tantric Grounding and Embodiment 

Grief and Release 


4 Week Coaching Package

 Nutritional Detox 

Tantric Grounding and Embodiment

Grief and Release 

Belief Reprogramming 

Spirit Reading 


8 Week Coaching Package

Nutritional Detox 

Tantric Grounding and Embodiment

Grief and Release 

Belief Reprogramming 

Spirit Reading

Private Sound Ceremony 

Voice Activation 


About Me

I am a walker and teacher of the Beauty Way. The Butterfly process of death and rebirth is profound and its effects ripple out through eternity, your healing is Our healing, I am humbly a healer to the healers and hold a deeply sweet reverence for the richness of your transformative process, I am a sacred interior designer working with energy and harmonizing energies to amplify and support your greatest expansion, deepest nourishment and depth, and more astonishing Love for your Self and the world that needs us all so much right now. I am a priestess and Curandera holding the sacred tones of the Rainbow Bridge. I am here to gently accompany you as you wish to experience the greatest version of your own rebirth. Perhaps a birth more loving, kind, and supportive than your original one. Yes, dear one, you have everything you need inside of yourself. And yet, you needn’t do this alone, how beautiful it is to be deeply cherished.


“Maria is an extraordinary woman that has deeply supported us in our spiritual marriage and we are very grateful for her work and friendship.

She has the gift to create beauty anywhere she goes. In our marriage she took care of the flower altars and offerings which made us feel loved and cared for. 

Maria is attentive to all details and shows a very creative spirit.  We felt her joy in every moment before, during, and after our marriage. 

We deeply value Maria’s presence in our wedding and felt her emotional support throughout the whole process. 

We highly recommend Maria as a loving, caring and experienced person for any support in moments of transition and transformation.”

-Soma Devi & Suriya Das

“Maria Lucent is aligned with what’s good in this world. She is an artist of the highest form, using her gift of vision and beauty to see her clients’ essence and help them to bring it from the innerworld to the outerworld. 

When I worked with Maria she saw a vision of me that I longed for, but couldn’t even believe was possible for me. Now, three years after working with her I experience myself as a completely different woman in exactly the ways she saw back then. And I will be eternally grateful for her encouragement and support through that transformation.”  -Leah Pearlman

“Maria has a remarkable ability to sense the underlying issues that often underpin our confusion and pain in the here-and-now. Issues forgotten and buried since childhood, traumas intellectually known but not deeply felt and processed yet. I have made huge shifts with regard to a number of deep concerns in my life as a result of talking with her. She seems to be able to spot them with great ease, and also with great care.”  -Mark Kinsey

 “I feel inspired and energized by our conversation. I was unsure of what to expect but felt so comfortable sharing with you and felt energy radiating throughout my body over the course of our conversation. I feel that you helped reassure me about things I already know to be true.”  -Shanza Baig

“I appreciate how easy it is to work with Maria.  I felt very held and listened to and even nurtured during our call. She exudes caring, warmth, and patience with my questions and even doubts and fears.  During the call, I felt we connected really strongly to my spirit and the understanding and translation that she provided seemed spot-on! The day after our session, I felt very joyful, grateful, and exuberant.There is still a thread of peacefulness, confidence and glow I feel from our session.”    -Shila Soni

“Maria is a healer. In 2008, I was fortunate to be under the care of Maria for 3 wonderful months.

I had been a reluctant yoga student.  Maria crafted a specific plan to help me engage in my practice. Her holistic approach eased my worries and we began to achieve the goals I set. 3 months of Yoga (Twice a week) took away years of aches and pains I had begrudgingly lived with. Maria can’t help but heal, inspire and teach. It is who she is.  Whenever my friends talk about a desire to start yoga, or learn more about yoga, I point them to Maria. I trust Maria, I simply found the best teacher out there.”  -David Marino 

“It is an honor to study Kundalini Yoga with Maria. She offers challenging and heart centered classes that deepen physical, emotional and spiritual awareness. And she has a glowing presence that shines through every class! I can always count on leaving her class with more wisdom, body knowledge and a renewed sense of love and gratitude for life.” -Be Scofield 

“Maria is an insightful healer who can see beyond the trends and fashions of the spiritual marketplace to the real depths of integrity of whats occurring on our collective and personal journeys. She holds the keys to a new and refined way of relating ceremonially in gratitude, love, and respect.”                   -Adam Woodman

Thank you for all  you are!